• 23 Maintenance

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    ZVENIA Mining .

    Source: Mourad CHETTAH

    Credits to Worthington pump and machinery corporation
    ZVENIA Mining .

    Commissioning is the process of verifying and ensuring that a system or equipment is installed, tested, and operated according to its design specifications and requirements.
    The purpose of commissioning is to ensure that the system or equipment is safe, reliable, and meets the functional requirements of the project.
    Commissioning typically involves several steps, including:
    1). Design And Construction Review
    2). Installation Verification
    3). Pre Functional Testing
    4). Functional Testing
    5). Operational Design
    6). Documentation And Training

    Source: Mourad CHETTAH

    Creded by www.Mechanical-Knowledge.com
    ZVENIA Mining .

    Le but de ce cours est de permettre une meilleure compréhension des pompes et principalement de leurs équipements.

    Les pompes sont des appareils mécaniques servant à véhiculer des liquides d’un point A, à un point B. Elles permettent, notamment, de prendre un liquide à la pression P1 et de le porter à la pression P2 (avec P2 > P1).

    Pour véhiculer un liquide d’un endroit à un autre, la pompe doit fournir une certaine pression appelée hauteur manométrique totale, cela dépend des conditions d’aspiration et de refoulement.

    Source: Mourad CHETTAH

    Credits to TOTAL
    ZVENIA Mining .

    Le tableau de bord est un outil de pilotage opérationnel conçu pour un responsable, ou plus généralement pour son équipe de direction, en vue de s’assurer de la réalisation des objectifs de performance, sur lesquels il est engagé.
    En s’inscrivant dans le cadre de la déclinaison de la stratégie des programmes et de sa traduction en plans d’action, le tableau de bord doit permettre :
    1-De suivre la réalisation des plans d’action : leur avancement et leurs résultats.
    2- D’alerter sur les écarts afin d’engager des actions correctives.
    Il est constitué d’indicateurs chiffrés et généralement de commentaires associés

    Source: Mourad CHETTAH

    ZVENIA Mining .

    The main function of the lubrication of rolling bearings is to prevent or reduce contact between rolling and sliding surfaces. As a result, friction and wear are kept to a low level.

    Source: Mourad CHETTAH

    ZVENIA Mining .

    D’après l’Afnor (FD X 60-000), « la maintenance est l’ensemble de toutes les actions techniques, administratives et de management durant le cycle de vie d’un bien, destinées à le maintenir ou à le rétablir dans un état dans lequel il peut accomplir la fonction requise ».

    Dans une entreprise, maintenir, c’est donc effectuer des opérations (dépannage, réparation, graissage, contrôle, etc.) qui permettent de conserver le potentiel du matériel pour assurer la production avec efficacité et qualité.

    Source: Ridha Fattouch

    Credits to Dunod
    ZVENIA Mining .

    Credits to IQ-AM Institut of Quality – Asset Management
    Mourad CHETTAH

    Credits to IQ-AM Institut of Quality - Asset Management
    ZVENIA Mining .

    Why do I need to schedule my guys—we’re too small, my guys know what they need to do, and I’m too busy!

    These are just a few of the reasons that people give for not planning and scheduling. They also sow the seeds for equipment failures, late-night calls, dis trustful production people, and irate bosses. Instead, maintenance managers should view scheduling as the cornerstone of successful maintenance operations.

    Scheduling involves planning the activities of the maintenance crew. It does not mean planning the minute 15 16 Fundamentals of Preventive Maintenance by-minute schedule of each technician. Planning means assigning workorders by shift, by day, by task importance, by material availability, by manpower availability, and by production downtime.

    Source: John M. Gross
    Mourad CHETTAH

    Credits to John M. Gross
    ZVENIA Mining .

    Knowledge of the equipment and materials with which we work is one of the most important factors in accident prevention. Each piece of equipment and material has been designed and developed to serve a specific purpose and knowledge of what it can and cannot do, not only improves efficiency but also eliminates hazards.
    Owing to the many variations in rigging practices and the different ways in which rigging is used, recommendations must, of necessity, be framed in general terms. The recommendations can only be advisory in nature and are intended to complement relevant regulations and manufacturers’ requirements which must be observed.
    The rigger must apply his or her intelligence, common sense, and experience in anticipating what will happen when the load is moved. This thought process must take place before the work is started. In order to ensure the design of a safe and efficient system, the rigger must answer such question as:
    1. What is to be done with load?
    2. What will be the travel path of the load to reach the desired location?
    3. How will the load be set down at the desired location?
    4. How can the hookup be made?
    5. What tools are needed to perform the desired task?
    6. What other factors are involved (weather, electrical wires, sloping grades, visibility)?
    7. Do the tools have the capacity to handle the loads and forces involved?
    8. Are additional personnel needed to control the load safely during the Lifting process?

    Credits to Ashrf Al Mghrbl
    and Mourad CHETTAH

    Credits to Ashrf Al Mghrbl
    ZVENIA Mining .

    Most maintenance programs are inefficient.

    One big reason for that is they’re not using the right types of maintenance.

    Remember, there is no ‘best’ type of maintenance.

    You need to match the right type of maintenance with the characteristics of the failure mode your dealing with and with your organisational objectives

    That’s why in the next few days…

    I’ll talk about the 9 Types of Maintenance in greater detail.

    1-Preventive Maintenance (PM)
    2-Corrective Maintenance (CM)
    3-Time-based Maintenance (TBM)
    4-Failure Finding Maintenance (FFM)
    5-Risk-based Maintenance (RBM)
    6-Condition-based Maintenance (CBM)
    7-Predictive Maintenance (PDM)
    8- Deferred Corrective Maintenance
    9- Emergency Maintenance (EM)

    Which one do you use the most?

    Source: Erik Hupjé, LinkedIn

    Erik Hupjé, LinkedIn
    ZVENIA Mining .

    Preventive maintenance has been more popular in principle than in practice over the years. One scarcely can
    argue with the idea of keeping equipment well maintained to extend its expected life and avoid future repair
    costs. Less clear is an understanding of the actual relationship between the cost of preventive maintenance and the returns such activities can be expected to deliver. This article describes a process of assessing the value of preventive maintenance programs and activities by analyzing them in terms of key financial ratios.

    Engineers and building operators trying to persuade property owners and managers to invest in preventive
    maintenance (PM) for their portfolios offer a range of solid arguments:
    “The equipment will perform better.”
    “Equipment life will be extended.”
    “Repair costs will fall.”
    “Downtime will be reduced.”
    “Tenant satisfaction will increase.”
    “The manufacturer says we need to do it.”

    Although most owners acknowledge these issues, they may be more concerned with saving money and obtaining optimum value from their investments. Given that perspective, a more convincing argument for preventive maintenance would demonstrate that PM generates a solid rate of return in terms of risk mitigation and asset protection. Anecdotal evidence does suggest that preventive maintenance is valuable. Until now, however, no one has placed a firm value on the relationship between costs and returns. For one thing, the economic value of preventive maintenance is difficult to determine. No specific statistical methods exist. No empirical studies have been performed. How does one quantify the extended life of a chiller? How can one know how much longer a compressor will last if it receives proper preventive maintenance than it would if no PM took place?

    Jones Lang LaSalle
    Wei Lin Koo, Tracy Van Hoy, P.E.

    ZVENIA Mining .

    There are 9 types of maintenance split between Preventive Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance.

    Preventive Maintenance is done before a failure occurs and consists of maintenance types like:
    Time Based Maintenance, Failure Finding Maintenance, Risk Based Maintenance, Condition Based Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance.

    Corrective maintenance is done after a failure has occurred either as Deferred Corrective Maintenance or as Emergency Maintenance. In the rest of this article, I will discuss each of these different types of maintenance in detail:

    Preventive Maintenance (PM)
    – Time Based Maintenance (TBM)
    – Failure Finding Maintenance (FFM)
    – Risk Based Maintenance (RBM)
    – Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
    – Predictive Maintenance (PDM)

    Corrective Maintenance (CM)
    – Deffered Corrective Maintenance
    – Emergency Maintenance (EM)

    Erik Hupjé is the founder of the Road to Reliability

    ZVENIA Mining .

    Over 50% of Maintenance managers have rated their team as highly effective and just over 47% rated their strategy as highly effective. A strong maintenance team is led by a strong Maintenance Manager, which can be a very rewarding job, but it can also come with huge challenges and pressures around effective management of costs, time, safety, efficiencies, and much more.

    While big picture strategy planning is essential to operations, it is also important to adopt practices into your daily habits to ensure your team feel motivated and supported, allowing them to perform as best they can. Here are some tips;
    – Ensure your morning meets and planning meetings are as efficient as possible
    – Understand your unplanned breakdowns and set plans in motion to review the maintenance and failure history with your team with a view on how to improve the maintenance routines and reduce future failures
    – Be supportive to everyone in the team, be aware of their individual workloads and make each person feel they are important and that their input is appreciated

    Source: Addenergy

    ZVENIA Mining .

    INDUSTRIALIZATION imposed an ever increasing demand for moving liquids from one location to another far more practically than by gravity. In order to motivate the liquid to move through the pipes and channels, energy has to be imparted to the liquid.

    The energy, usually mechanical, provided by a prime mover is transferred to the liquid by a device called a pump.

    The English Gravitational System of Units is used throughout the guide as this system is familiar to technical personnel. It has also gained wide acceptance in the hydraulic machinery field both by the manufacturers and by their customers. Tables are provided in the Appendix for any necessary conversions.

    Source: Innovative Engineers Network

    ZVENIA Mining .

    Activo: Motores Eléctricos

    Actividades de Mantenimiento Preventivo asociadas a Motores Eléctricos de acuerdo con los niveles de mantenimiento.

  • 23 Maintenance

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  • 23 Maintenance

    In this module you will have access to the following topics (not exhaustive) :

    – Availability
    – Usage
    – Working hours
    – Repair time
    – Time of “prise en charge
    – Fleet location
    – Preventive maintenance program
    – Tools
    – Tires (% overinflated, % underinflated, working hours)
    – Oils
    – Filters

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