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    ZVENIA Mining .

    Construction delay claims are a common occurrence in projects. When they arise, they need to be evaluated quickly and managed efficiently. However, the whole topic of delay and the various analytical techniques available is one that provokes much debate and con troversy due to the seemingly complex and sometimes conflicting guidance provided on these techniques. The purpose of this book is to serve as a practical guide to the pro cess of delay evaluation and includes an in-depth review of the primary delay analysis methodologies available.

    Credits: Willey Blackwell / P.J.Keane & A.F. Caletra
    Mitesh Bhatt, LinkedIn

    ZVENIA Mining .

    Now the words ‘High Performance Concrete’, ‘Ready Mix Concrete’, ‘Self Compacting Concrete’ are commonly heard not only among the civil engineering community but common people also. With so much of awareness about concrete all around, there is a need that civil engineers should be more aware and informed about concrete technology. They should keep themselves abreast with the latest developments, new technological advances and future prospects.

    Credits: Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering, Pune
    Mitesh Bhatt, LinkedIn

    ZVENIA Mining .

    The cost level is a very important factor in most construction decisions, and its estimates are prepared during the planning, design and construction phases of a construction project. Various types of cost estimates are made in a construction project, from preliminary estimates to detailed estimates. All these estimates are important because they invariably influence the expenditure of major expenses. Estimates made in the early stages of a project are of particular importance, as they influence the most basic decisions related to the construction project.

    Cost estimation can be defined in various ways. For example, estimation is the assembly of all the costs of the elements of a project, which for an entrepreneur represents the cost that will most likely be incurred for the completion of the project. In another definition, it is a statement-making about the approximate amount of materials, time, and costs to take construction decisions. Cost estimation is also defined as the process of analyzing a specific work and predicting the cost of performing it. The main challenges facing the construction contractor are estimating the cost of building a project, scheduling specific construction activities, and then building the project within the estimated cost and schedule.

    Source: LinkedIn

    ZVENIA Mining .

    This handbook addresses problems facing the engineer when preparing to build, both during the contract bidding phase and after a contract has been concluded.

    It offers clear guidelines for planning the resources and machinery on site, as well as the safe positioning of roads, cranes, storage and temporary buildings. Site planning activities are presented here in logical sequence, offering an efficient and safe design of the construction site and of the temporary works.

    The book describes the process of engineering preparation of on-site construction works in all phases of the construction life-cycle, from the design phase – preparing the financial plan and procurement scheme for the owner before tendering the contract; the tendering phase; and after bid completion. A list of procedures is presented for planning the construction site in order to simplify the engineer’s work of site and temporary works planning.

    The Engineer’s Manual of Construction Site Planning is for all those involved in the planning of construction sites, construction managers, construction engineers and quantity surveyors, as well as for students in civil engineering and construction.

    Source: LinkedIn

    ZVENIA Mining .

    A best practice approach for infrastructure projects and programmes

    Central to project discipline is the use of expert, evidence-based cost estimates. Establishing an early and accurate cost estimate is a key factor in selecting the right projects and delivering them on time and on budget.

    However, a cost estimate is not a single figure that is determined at the start of a project and fixed from therein. The cost estimate evolves over time as the project matures and is inherently linked to the development of the project scope and schedule.

    The cost estimate should be presented as a range to account for the level of risk and uncertainty inherent in the project and this range should decrease as the project develops.

    At the heart of developing a robust cost estimate of the three ‘P’s:
    – Principles – of cost estimating to get the basics right and address common pitfalls
    – People – roles, skills and behaviours needed to deliver, assure and own the cost estimate
    – Performance – steps for improving the quality and consistency of cost estimates and surrounding processes

    This document sets out, for the first time, a best practice approach to cost estimating which should be used by all major infrastructure projects and programmes in the UK. This guidance document is for all project delivery team members including Senior Responsible Owners and Project Directors.

    Nothing less than world class delivery will do and this document is another step towards that vision, helping those involved in project delivery to thrive and deliver projects and programmes to the benefit of all the citizens in the United Kingdom.

    Nick Smallwood
    Chief Executive,
    Infrastructure and Projects Authority

    Source: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6050c9528fa8f55d324b0c84/IPA_Cost_Estimating_Guidance.pdf

    ZVENIA Mining .

    La NASA a le projet de construire sur la Lune des maisons imprimées en 3D via du béton lunaire conçu à partir d’éclats de roche, de fragments minéraux et de poussière qui se trouvent sur la couche supérieure de la surface de la lune

    Alors que la Nasa vient de lancer un appel d’offres pour la conception d’un congélateur lunaire, d’autres grands projets sont en cours pour les décennies à venir, et le New York Times s’est intéressé aux habitations prévues pour… 2040. Le grand quotidien américain a interrogé sept scientifiques de la NASA sur le projet de maisons construites avec une imprimante 3D sur la Lune !

    Le plan prévoit en effet l’envoi d’une imprimante 3D. Une fois sur place, les astronautes « maçons » utiliseront du béton lunaire constitué d’éclats de roches, de fragments de minéraux et de poussières que l’on trouve sur la couche supérieure de la surface de la lune.

    Un kilo de matériau envoyé sur la Lune, c’est un million de dollars !
    Mais pourquoi utiliser la matière sur place plutôt que de ramener les matériaux à chaque mission ? « Voyager léger est essentiel » rappelle le docteur Patrick Suermann, doyen de l’école d’architecture de la Texas A&M University, qui travaille en étroite collaboration avec la NASA pour développer un système de construction robotisé dans l’espace.

    Selon lui, chaque kilo supplémentaire transporté par une fusée vers la Lune coûte environ un million de dollars ! « Il n’y a pas de Home Depot (magasin de bricolage) là-haut. Il faut donc soit savoir utiliser ce qui existe, soit envoyer tout ce dont on a besoin » poursuit-il.

    Sur Terre, l’imprimante 3D construit une maison en 48 heures
    Le choix s’est donc porté sur ICON, une entreprise de construction basée à Austin, au Texas. Elle utilise déjà des imprimantes 3D pour créer des maisons, dont certaines sont conçus pour résister aux ouragans au Mexique ! L’imprimante peut construire des maisons en 48 heures seulement…

    Avec ce partenaire, la NASA travaille actuellement à la mise au point d’une simulation du béton lunaire capable de résister à des températures allant jusqu’à 1900 degrés ! Des tests seront effectués sur Terre et dans son Marshall Space Flight Center, situé dans l’Alabama, la Nasa dispose d’une douzaine de chambres d’essai qui soumettent les objets aux mêmes conditions de rayonnement et de vide thermique qu’ils supporteraient hors Terre. En février 2024, ce sera au tour de l’imprimante d’ICON d’y être testé.

    Source: Science et vie, PUBLIÉ LE 08 OCT 2023

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